
Friday, August 19, 2016

I'm a Potato Super Star!

I'm a Potato Super Star!  I got a sticker at the doctor's office after I got my stitches removed, and it says so.

More importantly, the doctor handed me my final pathology report, which said that I had normal parathyroid glands, normal parathoroid lymph nodes.  It also said that two of my three thyroid nodules had papillary carcinoma, and one was benign.  The two that had cancer in them were about a centimeter in diameter, total, which indicates no
further treatment for cancer. That's no radioactive iodine for me!  Of course I'm thrilled, even if you can't see that in this photo of me posing as a Potato.

I've got to go in for checkups regularly to make sure I'm clear of future recurrence, and I have to spend some time getting my hormone levels stabilized.  All in the life and times of Super Potato.

Itchy stitches
Potato Super Star!


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