
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A Bump in the Road

Hello again to those of you who have already received news of my recent health kerfluffle.  For those who are unaware, I am including this letter that I wrote, and I will be blogging about it rather than updating everyone by email.  I will be writing another, short entry today, so come back again soon.

Jun 3, 2016

Hello beloved family and friends,

I am currently sitting in a doctors exam room waiting for him to open the door. I have been diagnosed with (probable) treatable thyroid cancer based on a needle biopsy and may be having a thyroidectomy. I likely won't know the amount of thyroid removed until after the surgery. (The best case scenario is that the needle biopsy was wrong. Then it would be a lumpectomy.) This is not confidential info. So feel free to talk about my health issue and put me on your prayer list if that's your thing.  I'm doing well now, mostly pissed off, but I feel healthy so I'm making the most of it.

I'm getting a second opinion from KU med otolaryngology on the 13th.

I'm out of the consultation now, and everything went as expected. The lump is on the isthmus (bridge in the middle) of my thyroid and the initial pathology indicates it will likely all need to go.

We'll probably be taking our family vacation first.

I feel assured that this is, as the doc says, just a bump in the road. I've heard lots of people tell me that they or someone they know went through this and are doing great now. Thank you in advance for your positive, loving energy.


  1. Gwenofthefaeriefolk sends you sparkles and twinkles and birds everywhere need you, you know. Keeping you in my thoughts...kick this back to the curb, Angie!

  2. Sparkles and twinkles are good. I have known several people who've had their thyroid removed for one reason or another (I think it used to be more common as a cover for doctor's not knowing what else to do) and they did fine for many many years while taking medication to help compensate for thyroid absence. But more importantly, the doc's and the thyroid don't know what a kick as, no shit sort of gal you are...I'm betting on you being fine after some adjustments. And I really wish the best for you.

  3. moreyboo is sending you good vibes for a speedy recovery...glad they caught it quickly!
